about me

My name is Faithe and I am a writer-director who draws sometimes. I come from a town in Pennsylvania that had many trees and frequently rained, but now I’m based in LA, which has far less of both things. Having grown up as a neurodivergent Asian-American in a predominantly white hometown, my life as a continual outsider has led me towards a flair for oddities, unappreciated little details, and the natural world. 

With my films, I want to make you do two things: laugh and cry. As a simultaneously overjoyed and heartbroken person, I aim to portray emotional duality with funny, poignant, and absurd stories. I want people to feel like an outsider in the strangest of ways, in hopes that they'll judge a little less and think a little deeper. When I’m not working on films (which leaves about 5 waking hours left in the week), I enjoy talking to people or going down rabbit holes on YouTube. Currently, I'm finishing up my Film & TV Production BFA at the University of Southern California. 



artist statement


I've always been an unusually determined person. Growing up in an East Coast suburb, I’d usually be met with a snicker or scoff after telling people I wanted to be a film director. People’s first instinct is always to tell me to go a safer route, to tell me that I’m chasing a pipe dream. My parents would always tell me to never get my hopes up, that I had to work three times as hard because I was Asian, and even harder because of my gender. Everybody has always seemed to be more interested in telling me what I can't do because of who I am. 

This doubt has only led me to double down on my creative pursuits. I want to show that my identity gives me the chance to offer a perspective that is unique to film– that my identity is not a weakness, but a strength. I work to become a positive representation of an Asian American femme, especially within a particularly ruthless industry.

In my lifetime, I hope to become a truly honest artist and filmmaker. I seek to create because I seek to understand. I craft stories that most often explore identity and social expectation: how we fit (and don't fit) into the constraints this world has created for us. The goal with my work has always been to garner empathy and care towards the ideas I care about, because that’s what I believe film was made to do: create understanding between people on a very fundamental level.